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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Beckwatch - All In One Show Edition

Feb 1st, 2011

Jumpin' cats, kids! Grab the popcorn and the soda! All in one show today, The Beckinator taught us that the Egyptian people DON'T want freedom...

And he taught us that Arabic is stupid because it all looks like "squiggly lines."

And he taught us that the now defunct ACORN is actually responsible for the Middle Eastern unrest.

And he taught us that the "American Left" secretly craves a "Caliphate" that can overrun our "allies."

And he taught us that the Muslim Brotherhood's "slogan" is suspiciously similar to The President's "Hope & Change."

And he taught us that the "Uber-Lefties," the "Global Elite" and the "Islamists" are all in it together.

And, lastly, he taught that poor little Israel is so fragile and weak that they can't survive if we don't prop up dictators who torture their own citizens even if that includes women and children. Never mind that wimpy nuclear arsenal.

If only someone could teach Mr. Beck to have some semblance of decency.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Beck is a pitchman for the Predators. Predators do not value decency. They value winning. Ayn Rand, their philosopher, admired serial killers and thought altruism was a disease.
